Pontifical Oriental Institute

International Conference to Mark the 700th Anniversary of ‘Abdīšō’ bar Brīkhā of Nisibis (1318-2018)


The Pontifical Oriental Institute – Rome

International Conference to Mark the 700th Anniversary
of ʿAbdīšōʿ bar Brīkhā of Nisibis

Rome, November 8 – 9 2018

First Day Keynote: Sebastian Brock (Oxford University)

Second Day Keynote: Herman G. B. Teule (Catholic University of Leuven)

Topics on ʿAbdīšōʿ: Historical Setting – Philosophy – Theology – Exegesis – Sacraments – Poetry – Canon Law – Alchemy – Manuscripts

Pontificio Istituto Orientale
Piazza S. Maria Maggiore 7
00185 Roma, Italy