The Gregorian University Foundation Generously Donates
- Nov 5, 2016
The Gregorian University Foundation generously donated 1 million dollars to the Orientale which made the renovations to the Aula Magna possible.
The extent of the renovations would have been significantly less without the funds donated and with the upcoming “Centario” year quickly approaching these new renovations could not have come at a better time.
The foundation has been a steadfast supporter of the Orientale for many years and with continued collaboration, we expect a great deal more will be possible.
In addition to the extraordinary design and functional enhancements made to the infrastructure of the library, there have been many important technological advancements. With the installation of four robotic cameras for live-streaming, a high-end projector, and a powerful Bose sound system, both in-person and online audiences will now be beneficiaries of this most recent renovation.