Christmas greetings from the Rector
- Dec 21, 2023
Addressing the academic community of the Pontifical Oriental Institute, the Rector sent a short message of greetings that we would like to share with all those who accompany and support our Institute.

Painted by Dahlia Azeez Khay
alumni of PIO
Jesus lived in the present, in the eternal present. This word “present” means two things. The first is time, that is, now, currently, this actual moment. And second, it indicates a place: I am present here with you, where I am, the location, the community in which I find myself. At times, we are preoccupied by things that are not present, future concerns, for example. What will happen tomorrow? And at times, recollections from the past invade my mind creating anxiety, even anguish in my heart. Jesus was born at a certain time, in a specific place, in a particular community. For those who live by faith, Jesus is always born in a “now”, in this place, at this present moment. And our hope permits Jesus to be born always, notwithstanding the circumstances. He brings us joy when we search for him. Jesus is here among us, in my neighbour, in the one next to me. The promise of his birth gave Maria a hope for the salvation of the whole world. His birth today gives us hope and a new reason for going forward, for accepting our challenges with joy, for abandoning ourselves fully to the love of God. This is what countless saints have done before us. And thus our redemption takes place, a new love for everyone and everything. The incarnation did not happen yesterday, but only and always in an eternal today.
Best wishes to everyone, that we allow our eyes to be opened by Him, in His eternal and full today, to be able to see Him and receive Him among us as Emmanuel, Prince of Peace, God of Love.
Fr. David E. Nazar, sj