Pontifical Oriental Institute

Faculty & Staff - Sr. Maria Ionela Cristescu, CIN

Sr. Maria Ionela Cristescu, CIN

Sr. Maria Ionela Cristescu, CIN

Eastern Canon Law

Specialization Areas:

  • CCEO Particular Law; 1st Millennium; General Norms

Sr. Maria-Ionela CRISTESCU, CIN is a Romania nun, belonging to a Greek-Catholic Congregation founded in prison in 1950 during the communist regime in Romania. Her basic formation in Romania was in Philology: Foreign languages and literature which she taught for 10 years in Bucharest. After the fall of the communist regime in 1989, she came to Rome and started and completed her theological and canonical studies from 1990 to 2000. During the same period, she graduated the Vatican School of Librarianship and was assigned for some years Directress of the Library of the Pontifical Institute Regina Mundi in Rome. From 2001 to nowadays she’s been teaching at the Pontifical Oriental Institute as Docente invitato, Sources of Romanian Law, Particular Law in CCEO and afterwards also The Study of the Sacred Canons of the 1st Millennium and General Norms.